Feel good and sell even better with website copy rooted in sales psychology, ethical marketing, and your personality.
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By working with Samara, you get to experience her wholehearted support, strategic advice, and creative genius – not only for building an intuitive website but for aligning and growing your business as well.
Samara and I have worked together for well over a year on various projects. I’ve crafted blog posts for her on email marketing and website strategy, we’ve collaborated on design and copy projects, and she’s responsible for my freaking amazing website.
So when she decided to redesign her own website to refine her brand and website design services, highlight her email marketing course, and showcase her new role as a business mentor…I jumped at the chance to write copy for her.
Since we worked together previously, Samara and I already had a deep understanding of her brand’s personality, tone of voice, and communication style. For her new website and copy though, she wanted to position herself as a strategist and mentor as much as a designer and connect more with creative solopreneurs interested in spiritual wellness.
When Samara first started designing websites, she followed a similar pattern to other designers – two-week packages. Yet she found the majority of her time was spent diving into strategy with her clients, and they desperately wanted more time with her.
So she pivoted.
Samara’s two-week website package became a 4-month creative business transformation that fuses mentorship, strategy, branding, design, and copywriting together so clients confidently raise their prices, call in aligned clients, and feel a greater sense of peace in their business.
Add on top of her dedicated 1:1 business mentorship program for creative entrepreneurs, and it was clear that Samara’s website and copy needed to showcase her distinct approach to serving her clients.
For Samara’s complete website overhaul, our goals were:
Craft sales pages for her mentorship and design services that highlighted her approach, comprehensive support, and the complete transformation she offered.
Allow more of Samara’s voice, values, and passion to come through by telling her stories like why she started her business and how it’s changed.
Call in more of Samara’s dream clients – heart-led, ambitious, and soulful creative entrepreneurs – by using language and stories that resonate with them.
On Samara’s design sales page, we offered detailed information about everything her clients received and benefited from over four months, while on her mentorship sales page, we told Samara’s own experience working with a mentor. In addition to highlighting Samara’s values and purpose, we used empathetic and personalized language to connect with the creative entrepreneurs who share her passions.
This new website copy paired with Samara’s one-of-a-kind design, strategy, and marketing plan led to Samara booking out her 1:1 mentoring sessions MONTHS in advance and collaborating with aligned clients who can’t wait to work with her.
I was struggling to fully communicate the unique value of my design studio and coaching container. This is something I help my clients with, but I find it much harder to turn the tables and uncover these core messages in my own business.
Now, I feel SO confident in my website copy and can’t wait to put it out there. I love every single heading you wrote, they’re SO creative and impactful!
While pairing your new website copy with professional-level website design isn’t a requirement for working together, Samara’s website (and mine) is the perfect example of the magic that happens when you bring in an expert brand and web designer.
If you’re ready for this type of copy magic and need suggestions for a website designer, I’m more than happy to connect you with a range of trusted creatives, including Samara, who might be a good match.
Already have a website designer in mind?
No problem. I’ll collaborate with them so your website copy and design flow seamlessly together.
Discover keywords for your website copy that has Google and your dream clients falling head over keyboard. Get eyes on your page and fingers clicking your ‘book me button’ with this free video training and workbook.
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Writing feel-good web copy that sells for
do-good brands in the creative and adventure industries.
Brand & Website By Samara Bortz Creative | Photos by Kristen Buchholtz & Mollie Laura
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