For Those That Don't Just Colour Outside The Lines But Draw Their Own Picture

Meet Your Ethical Copywriter

From the quirky tagline that makes you snort-laugh to the deeply personal founder story, brands connect through storytelling

Let’s make sure the story you’re telling is genuine, attention-grabbing, and unforgettable

And when I'm not mapping my next trip..

Think rock climbing in BC, backpacking in Utah, and bungee jumping in New Zealand – you’ll find me on a different type of adventure.

The type of adventure that empowers entrepreneurs like you to break free from self-doubt, say 'see ya never' to manipulative selling, and confidently explore new opportunities with their brand through ethical, sales-focused copywriting. 

Hey There, I'm Isobel!

I completely insulted my soon-to-be university supervisor, the university department,
and possibly the entire field of History by talking about storytelling.


Let’s rewind, back to 24-year-old Isobel. 

'How Did She Become A Copywriter?'

You're probably thinking

After wrapping up my university degree - a double major in History and Anthropology, btw - I met with a professor whose research I was wild about. He studied how humans and whales have interacted throughout time.

Super cool, right?

And he asked me if I wanted to write a Master’s thesis about whales.

My response was something like, ‘I love whales and writing about them, but I don’t want to write something super boring that gathers dust on a shelf and no one ever reads like most history research.’

Was it true? Yes. Should I have worded it slightly better? Also yes. Lucky for me, he got what I was trying to say and didn’t boot me out of his office

What I meant was I wanted to tell stories . Fantastical, magical, awe-inspiring stories that opened people’s eyes and shone a light on the unknown, but I wanted them to be grounded in research and real experiences.

That storytelling, that sense of adventure and excitement combined with data and honesty, is what I bring to you and your business.

The type of storytelling that reflects who you are and your experiences.

The type of storytelling that has your dream clients saying ‘oh, I need  to try that!'

The type of storytelling that makes sure your biz is never tucked away, gathering dust on some lonely back shelf. 

Let's swap stories ⟶

What Guides My Work

Creative Ventures over playing it safe

Supportive chats, not know-it-all lectures

Weaving Strategy And Empathy Together

Human first, Google’s cyborg robots second

Genuine connections, sustainable growth,
and wild celebrations

Imagine No More Dull, Snooze-Worthy Copy On Your Website.

Looking for expert tips and advice while DIYing your copy?

Ready to erase ‘write my website copy’ from your to-do list?

Look No Further →

Head This way →

kristin, emerge surf therapy

Isobel took something clinical and made it super exciting for the general public. Especially for folks who might not already engage in therapy or healing practices. She understood my target audience, spoke to them beautifully, and kept my professionalism but made me cooler!

samara, samara bortz creative

I love how professional, easy-going, and intuitive you are. You capture my voice so beautifully and communicate with such clarity. I loved how you were able to weave pieces of my own story into the post, so it sounds just like me and feels personal, while still being informative and educational. 

A Few New Friends

Website copy

Web Copy, Sales Copy, Email Copy

What's On My Wall:
History MA Degree
Anthro/History BA Degree

Where You'll Find Me:

What I'm Drinking:
Craft Beer

Who I'm Hanging With:

Now, Onto The Fun Stuff

Now, Onto The Fun Stuff

What I'm Drinking:
Craft Beer

What's On My Wall:
History MA Degree

Who I'm Hanging With:

Where You'll Find Me:

grab your goodies!

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Check out the latest tips, tricks, and how-to guides over on the Copy Blog to cover all your copywriting, digital marketing, and SEO needs. 

Download my free video training, The Creatives Guide to Keyword Research, to uncover the steps I take to find effective keywords for website copy. 





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