The Copywriting Blog For Creatives, Adventurers, and ‘I Need To Know-ers

From writing the about page that finally sounds like you to figuring out what the hell SEO even means, this blog has it all.

Digital marketing tips, copywriting how-tos, and ethical business practices wrapped up in advice that’s as practical as it is fun to read. No fluff, no corporate jargon, just good vibes and even better ideas.

The Copy Blog For Creatives, Adventurers, and ‘I Need To Know-ers

From writing the about page that finally sounds like you to figuring out what the hell SEO even means, this blog has it all.

Digital marketing tips, copywriting how-tos, and ethical business practices wrapped up in advice that’s as practical as it is fun to read. No fluff, no corporate jargon, just good vibes and even better ideas.

Your website visitors aren’t superheroes, they can’t read your mind.


Your Target Audience Can’t Read Your Mind…

The big no-no’s when it comes to hiring a copywriter for your small business.


What Your Copywriter Can’t, Won’t, and Shouldn’t Do


Blogs, podcasts, and newsletters for all your digital marketing needs.


My Go-To Marketing, Copywriting, and Entrepreneurship Resources

Learn how to write effective meta description that leads to more website visitors.


Writing Meta Description That Makes Google Googly-Eyed

A behind-the-scenes look at writing service pages for a creative studio working with outdoor businesses.

Case Studies

Website Copy Case Study: Tortuga Creative Studio

Writing your website copy gets a whole lot easier when you borrow from your testimonials.


How To Use Testimonials To Write Your Website Copy

The Creatives Guide To Keyword Research

Answer Your Keyword Research Questions With

Discover keywords for your website copy that has Google and your dream clients falling head over keyboard.  Get eyes on your page and fingers clicking your ‘book me button’ with this free video training and workbook. 

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Let me guess, you Googled 'how to write web copy' and ended up here? Don't worry, you're in the right place. 

I’m Isobel – website copywriter, poke bowl enthusiast, and unapologetic hater of cringe-worthy sales tactics. This blog is where I share tips, tricks, and non-sleazy strategies to help you write copy that feels good and sells even better. 

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Meet The Copy Blogger