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Alright, you’ve taken the leap. This is THE year for your outdoor retreat. You’re sending out weekly (okay, monthly emails), starting to write a blog, and trying to get a hold of those tricky IG algorithms.
But now what?
Now it’s time to dig deep and brainstorm blog post ideas that click with your audience. What unique insights can you dish out? Got any helpful tips and tricks up your sleeve? Have a story about a backpacking culinary disaster involving too much spice in the group’s chili?
The key to writing blog posts for your adventure retreat is blending your expertise with what your audience is itching to learn.
Your guests come to you for a life-altering escape – one where they stretch their limits, pick up new skills, and forge meaningful connections. And, you’ve got a treasure trove of stories, wisdom, and perspective to create engaging blog posts that get them stoked for your retreat.
Worried about writing ’cause you’re more at home ripping down a snow-capped mountain than stringing sentences together?
Below, you’ll find 10 blog post ideas complete with attention-grabbing headlines to kickstart your blog journey.
What should your adventurous community members know before embarking on your retreat? This is the perfect time to answer any and all of your FAQs like ‘What should I bring?’, ‘What kind of food are we eating?’, and ‘Is it okay that I’ve never touched a surfboard before this surf retreat?‘
Headline Example: What To Pack For Your Weeklong Surf Camp In Costa Rica
Ease pre-trip jitters by giving your readers a glimpse into what a typical day at your retreat looks like. What time they wake up, where they eat, what they learn, and what they can do to relax all help your readers picture themselves experiencing the day for themselves.
Headline Example: A Sneak-Peek Of 24 Hours At Our Mountain Yoga Retreat
From wildlife to watch out for to confusing lingo, your visitors are going to be taking in a lot of new information at your retreat. Make it easy for them by breaking down key terms, essential gear, and safety precautions so they feel confident when they finally arrive.
Headline Example: Backcountry Snowboarding 101: The Who, What, Where, and How
Show off your stunning locale and all the experiences waiting in the wings – be it lessons they’ll enjoy in your retreat, local restaurants, popular shops, or hidden gems they check out. This blog post will get your visitors even more excited about their journey with you.
Headline Example: 5 Epic Day Hikes In The Rockies
Chances are, your retreat has a meaningful story. Sharing how you got started, what your purpose is, and what lights you up every day to creates a deeper, emotional connection with your community.
Headline Example: The Grizzly Bear Encounter That Inspired Our Backpacking Retreat
From surfboards to tents to ski hills, put your expertise on display by comparing popular gear related to your outdoor adventure. Remember to keep it real by disclosing any brand affiliates though!
Headline Example: The Ultimate Tent Face-Off: Which Brand Survives The Rainy Pacific Northwest?
Recount the epic, hilarious, or awe-inspiring memories from past retreats to highlight exactly why guests choose you for the greatest adventures.
Headline Example: Surfs Up: The Top 3 Party Waves From 2022
Help your community get ready for your retreat and keep the adventure alive after with tutorials and guides. Don’t be afraid to get creative with videos, featured guests, and testimonials!
Headline Example: How To Master Taraksvasana – The Scorpion Handstand Pose
Giving your readers a behind-the-scenes look at your adventure retreat, accomodations, and staff is an opportunity to really show off everything that makes you so amazing!
Headline Example: Meet The Most Badass Rock Climbing Instructor Around
Keep those adventure vibes going (and help your guests get the most of their experience) by offering advice on how to keep moving forward even when they’re at home. Plus, you can highlight any retreats that are exclusive to past visitors!
Headline Example: How To Stay Ski-Ready All Summer Long
I’ve got you covered.
If you need more inspiration on what to write about, or what to *say* in your blog posts, then you’ll want to check out 58 Blog Prompts For Selling.
This interactive worksheet not only gives you 58 unique blog ideas to help you market your services, freebies, courses, or products, but it also comes with fill-in-the-blank titles, customizable calls to action, and questions to help you brainstorm original, engaging, and credible content.
Discover keywords for your website copy that has Google and your dream clients falling head over keyboard. Get eyes on your page and fingers clicking your ‘book me button’ with this free video training and workbook.
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Writing feel-good web copy that sells for
do-good brands in the creative and adventure industries.
Brand & Website By Samara Bortz Creative | Photos by Kristen Buchholtz & Mollie Laura
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[…] blog topics might still be relevant to you! But if you’re an outdoor adventure organizer, website designer, or wellness leader, be sure to check out my posts specifically geared to […]
[…] unless you’re a retreat organizer, website designer, photographer, or fitness studio manager (I got you!), there’s no real shortcut […]
[…] But if you’re feeling stuck right now and don’t want to wait to join the course, then get your juices flowing by peeking at these blog topic suggestions for fitness studios, photographers,brand and web designers, and adventure retreats. […]